The Four Seasons – Candy Girl (1963)
“Candy Girl” is a popular song by The Four Seasons, released in 1963. The track showcases the group’s signature falsetto harmonies and catchy pop melodies, hallmarks of their early 1960s…
“Candy Girl” is a popular song by The Four Seasons, released in 1963. The track showcases the group’s signature falsetto harmonies and catchy pop melodies, hallmarks of their early 1960s…
The Four Seasons’ “Sherry,” released in 1962, is a catchy and infectious pop song that catapulted the band to fame and became one of their signature hits. Written by Bob…
“December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night)” is a classic song recorded by The Four Seasons in 1975. The song was co-written by Bob Gaudio and Judy Parker and became one…